204: The Pursuit of Inner Peace with Shā Sparks

In this episode, guest Shā Sparks delves into the profound question of what happiness truly means to her. She shares insights into her work and the journey that led her to it. After escaping an abusive relationship, Shā's transformation was sparked by surrounding herself with inspiring individuals she yearned to learn from.

The discussion then takes a turn towards inner peace, fulfillment, and joy, as Shā uncovers the strategies and practices that contribute to her well-being. Control and surrender emerge as essential elements in her pursuit of happiness.

To conclude the episode, Shā offers actionable advice on how anyone can begin creating more happiness in their daily lives, starting from today.

This insightful conversation provides valuable insights into the multifaceted concept of happiness and the personal journey that brings it to life.

On the episode, we get into:

  • [5:22] What does happiness mean to Sha?

  • [7:10] What is Sha’s work and how did she get into it?

  • [12:39] Surrounding herself with people she found inspiring and wanted to learn from after getting out of an abusive relationship.

  • [21:11] How does she find more inner peace, fulfillment, and joy?

  • [28:28] Control and surrender.

  • [37:51] How can someone create more happiness every day starting today?

About Shā Sparks

Connect with Sha







Shā Sparks is an energetic catalyst and fearless communicator who sparks leaders in transition, who are unclear, go from fear to fired up about their life and business.

Through her renowned Spark Your ALPHA program, Shā’s audiences and clients experience more confidence, amplified emotional intelligence, and the spark that ignites their fearless action. Also, she provides an all-inclusive host for hire, podcast in a box service called Spark Your VOICE, Podcasts to Publications.



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205: Four Books That Changed My Brain Chemistry


203: Simona's Podcast Journey: Self-Discovery, Healing, and Empathy